Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The 4 Tools We Need To Lose Weight

The 4 Tools We Need To Lose Weight

The 4 Tools We Need To Lose Weight

By: Lynn VanDyke

Ask most people what their New Year's Resolutions were and you'll likely find the answer - lose weight. With so many of us wanting to shed the pounds, why is the obesity pandemic reaching new heights?

Weight loss tends to conjure up images of near starvation and tons of cardio. Most of us do not even start on our New Year's Resolution simply because the thought of it stops us dead in our tracks.

What if we had some tools for weight loss? 4 simple ideas that are practically guaranteed to shed fat, drop the weight, and slim us down? That would be a major first step towards a weight loss program.

Tool 1 - Strength Training
We have to recognize this as a viable fat-loss method. Every pound of muscle burns 35-50 calories per day. Adding lean muscle mass is the best way to jump start and sustain fat reduction.

Tool 2 - Cardio
Cardio is good, but it's not the only tool we should use. Cardio should be done as a partner to the other ideas. Anything that gets your heart pumping will do: walking, jogging, running, dancing, swimming, biking, or house cleaning.

Tool 3 - Nutrition
Nutrition is often the hardest part of the weight loss process. We simply forgot how to eat well in our culture. We need to eat protein, carbs, and fat to sustain our way of life. Cut one of the three out and imbalances will occur.

Tool 4 - Rest
Rest is not a luxury. It is a necessity. We should eat well every day and we should workout 5-6 times per week. The leftover 1-2 days are meant for rest. Our muscles need time to rebuild and repair themselves.

Using strength training, cardio, nutrition and rest to our advantage will result in fat loss. There is no magic bullet. Just simple and effective tools to create the body we want. Make a promise to yourself right now. Try using the above tools consistently and to the best of your ability for 4 weeks. You'll look great and feel amazing.

Author Bio
Lynn VanDyke is the proud owner of www.strength-training-woman.com. She is a personal fitness professional, yoga instructor and nutritionist. Her site is quickly becoming the authority for all things strength training.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

HIIT Home Workout for beginners

Monday, December 16, 2019

Food Addiction Can Lead to Death

Food Addiction Can Lead to Death

Food Addiction Can Lead to Death

By: Paul Wilson

Food has been described as ambrosia and the elixir if life. For some, eating is a biological necessity for others it is a passion that can turn into an obsession. Experts define food addiction to be a disorder where the addict is preoccupied with food, the availability of food, and the pleasure of eating. There are three recognized addictions:

  • Overeating, where the addict has no control over the amount or the number of times he eats. The person has no concept of being overweight or the servings a person must eat normally. Being an overeater, the addict will indulge in uncontrolled eating binges. Being obese, the addict will be prone to hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, and cancer.

  • Bulimisa Nervosa, where the addict binges and then tries to maintain weight by vomiting, using laxatives, excessive exercise, or even fasting. Such addicts will develop dental problems like thinning of enamel, excessive number of cavities, swollen salivary glands, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, as well as calluses and scars.

  • Anorexia Nervosa, where the addict fears weight gain and so starves himself. Obsessed with weight gain and body shape anorexics will exhibit obsessive behaviors in maintaining themselves. In the process, they develop problems like disruption of menstrual cycle, emancipation, hair loss, unhealthy skin pallor, and a lack or fluids.

The most common health problems are obesity, alcoholism, diabetes, bulimia, food allergies, and food intolerance.

The signs that you are addicted to food are:
  • Uncontrolled cravings for particular foods. Some are addicted to sweets, others to soft drinks, yet others to coffee.
  • Continuous or frequent eating. No fixed meal times an addict will eat throughout the day.
  • Sharpened hunger on consumption of specific foods.
  • Anxiety attacks, feelings of nervousness, low sugar, a headache, stomach gripes and grumbles.
  • Withdrawal symptoms.
  • Fatigue.
  • Extreme irritations.
  • Intolerance to foods.
  • Feelings of guilt at having eaten.
The very cornerstones to curing the addiction are to:
  • Identify and avoid what are known to be trigger foods or drinks.
  • Put into practice a diet that is nutrient rich, healthy, and helps maintain or loose weight.
  • Make lifestyle changes. Adopt a healthier lifestyle and include plenty of fresh air as well as exercise.
  • Focus on personal and spiritual development. Seek inner peace, calm, and joy. Practice meditation and deep breathing.
  • Plan to have activity filled days to distract the mind from food.
Even if you have a niggling doubt that you may be a food addict you must seek help. Nip the problem in the bud before it grows into something unmanageable and serious. You must consult a nutritionist, doctor, psychologist, or an eating addiction center or specialist. There are programs run by groups like Overeaters Anonymous that run 12-step programs which are extremely beneficial.

Author Bio
Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for www.1888Discuss.com/food/, the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Food Forum, including topics on all about food, food network, food recipe, health food, food gift, different food and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Food Article Submission Directory www.1888Articles.com/food-and-drink-articles-13.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Eat More Pectin For Successful Weight Loss

Eat More Pectin For Successful Weight Loss

Eat More Pectin For Successful Weight Loss

By: Lee Dobbins

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to not feel so hungry all the time when you are trying to lose weight? Well there is a way and it's not some new fad either, it's something that's natural, has no adverse side effects and might be sitting right in your fridge - fiber.

One type of fiber that you probably already have been eating is called pectin. Pectin is found in fruits, such as apples, strawberries, and peaches, along with vegetables including carrots, sweet potatoes and beans. Pectin is a carbohydrate that has no calories.

Pectin is a great source of fiber, which we all know is important for a healthy diet. Aside from helping you feel full longer, pectin can help to cut cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It may even aid in the prevention of colon cancer.

Pectin can help you lose and maintain your weight because it causes the stomach to empty more slowly. As a result, after eating pectin, you feel satisfied longer. This means that you will eat less, which will lead to weight loss. And if you think you'll have to be gobbling down hundreds of apples or guzzling pectin drinks, think again - research has shown that as little as a single teaspoon can help you to feel satisfied.

Where Can You Get Pectin?

Thankfully, you won't have to drive miles out of your way to get your supply of pectin because it is sold right in your local grocery store. It comes in a powder, which may be known as Sure-Jel, or a liquid, known as Certo. Derived from grapefruit and apples, pectin is usually found with the baking supplies in most supermarkets.

How To Take Pectin

You can mix pectin with orange juice, water, or soft drinks. It has no taste so shouldn't affect the taste of the beverage you mix it in. It is best to increase your intake gradually to let your system adjust to the added fiber. Start off with a teaspoon a day and then gradually add more in to a max of 3 teaspoons a day. You can also add pectin to broth or soups, applesauce and even baked potatoes.

Author Bio
Lee Dobbins writes about Low Carb and Low GI eating as well as other weight loss issues. Visit www.lowcarb-resource.com for more articles on healthy dieting.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Matt Roberts Workout Part 1 of 2

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Lose Weight by Eating More

Lose Weight by Eating More

Lose Weight by Eating More -- Food that is Virtually Impossible to Store as Body Fat

By: Marty Gallagher

Certain foods are extremely difficult for the human body to convert into body fat - not impossible but damned near impossible. By consuming calories derived from these foods, the anabolic margin of error is extended dramatically, which means it will be easier to lose fat and gain muscle, if you choose.

Lean protein, protein devoid of saturated fat, has been the staple, the bedrock nutrient of elite athletes for 50 years. Why? You can eat a mountain of lean protein and not get fat - assuming you train with intensity sufficient enough to trigger muscle growth. Lean protein is difficult for the body to break down and digest. As a direct result of this digestive difficulty, the body kicks the metabolic thermostat upward to break protein down into subcomponent amino acids.

The human body wants to preserve stored body fat as a last line of defense against starvation. If overworked and under-fed, the body will preferentially eat muscle tissue to save precious body fat.

Obese people that go on crash diets, precipitously slashing calories, might lose 100-pounds of body weight, yet still appear fat. Despite losing from say 350-pounds to 250-pounds, they still appear fat because they still are fat. The body has cannibalized muscle tissue and saved the fat. Though they might weigh 100-pounds less, they still possess 25-40% body fat percentile.

Lean protein is the bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it supplies muscle tissue battered by a high intensity weight workout with the amino acids needed to heal, recover and construct new muscle tissue. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it causes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to elevate; the metabolic thermostat, the rate at which our body consumes calories, increases when digesting protein. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it is damned near impossible for the body to convert it into body fat.

The other bedrock nutrient in the physical transformation process is fibrous carbohydrates: carrots, broccoli, green beans, bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, onions, asparagus, cabbage, salad greens, Brussels sprouts and the like. Fibrous carbohydrates, like lean protein, are nearly impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Fibrous carbohydrates require almost as many calories to digest as they contain. A green bean or carrot might contain 10-calories yet is so dense and difficult to break down that the body has to expend nearly as many calories to break down that bean or carrot as the vegetable contains.

Fibrous carbohydrates have a wonderful "Roto-Rooter" effect on the internal plumbing: as they work their way though the digestive passageways they scrape mucus and gunk off intestinal walls and help keep sludge buildup to a minimum. For this reason fibrous carbohydrates are the perfect compliment to a lean protein diet. Too much protein can cause bile buildup: fiber is the Yin to protein's Yang. The two nutrients should be eaten together.

Both protein and fiber have a beneficial dampening effect on insulin secretions. It is no accident that professional bodybuilders, the world's best dieters, capable of reducing body fat percentiles to 5% while maintaining incredible muscle mass, construct their eating regimen around protein and fiber.

The best way to eat is to eat often. If you eat 3,000 calories a day the best way is in five 600-calorie feeding or six 500-calorie feedings instead of a breakfast containing 400-calories, a lunch of 1000-calories and a late dinner of 1,600-calories. Avoid calories easily converted into body fat.

Eat multiple small meals in the 400-600 calorie range comprised exclusively of foods near impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Plus, these foods cause the metabolism, the BMR, the body thermostat to elevate in order to digest them. Optimally you should eat every three hours: in about the time the nutrients from the previous meal have dwindled, been expended and exhausted, in about the time the elevated metabolism is 'settling back down to normal,' eat another small protein/fiber meal. This reestablishes anabolism, kicks the metabolism upward once again and gives the body more practice at assimilating and distributing quality nutrients.

They say practice makes perfect and by eating small, power-packed, tough to digest meals every three hours, the metabolism is kept elevated, anabolism is established and maintained and the individual never feels hungry. A person who is not hungry is far less inclined to binge on sweets and treats, junk and trash then the crash diet/calorie cutters who always feel hungry, deprived, listless and lacking energy.

The small meal/protein/fiber approach has been used successfully by elite athletes for decades and is not some untried dietary abstraction - rather it is the proven method of choice, one that has withstood the test of time, one that has been used for decades and been proven effective time after time.

If a person is able to establish a multiple meal schedule comprised primarily of lean protein and fiber eaten every three hours, then adds to this eating schedule some serious weight training and a cardiovascular regimen, physical transformation is a biological certainty.

Author Bio
Coming soon! "The Obesity Solution" is designed to help overweight men and women physically transform themselves into healthier, thinner, more fit individuals. Designed by Marty Gallagher, a world champion coach and former www.washingtonpost.com fitness columnist, he will take you by the hand to help you achieve permanent fat loss.
For more information, visit www.purposefullyprimitive.com/article.html and get a FREE special report on how to stick to a diet the easy way!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

5 Minute Laksa Curry with Dr Rupy Aujla aka Doctors Kitchen

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Stone Age Diet Solution

The Stone Age Diet Solution

The Stone Age Diet Solution

By: Jack Prime

The dietary habits adopted by developed countries over the last centuries are largely responsible for many of the chronic diseases that are now commonplace in Western society.

Diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer of the colon are virtually unheard of among the few hunter-gatherer populations still remaining in the world.

The stone age diet is based on the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have eaten before they became farmers.

Even over the last fifty years, our food has drastically changed. Where once our food was made up of simple, natural foods with minimal added ingredients, our food now contains a multitude of different ingredients.

Often it can be hard to even find modern-day food that does not contain some form of milk or wheat, which are common triggers in food allergies, and this leads to people eating the same ingredients every day and often at every single meal.

The stone age diet is nutritionally balanced and a very low allergen diet ideal for people who suffer from food allergies or food related ailments.

The foods you can eat on the stone age diet should be from natural sources and include items such as fruit (except citrus), fresh fruit juices (except citrus), all game and fish, free-range eggs, all vegetables, fresh vegetable juices, fresh nuts (except peanuts), herb teas, natural seasonings (salt, black pepper, herbs) and bottled or filtered water.

The foods you must avoid on the stone age diet are milk in all forms, milk products, cereals and their related products, any form of sugar, domesticated animal meat (meat from pigs, cows, sheep etc.), chicken, eggs (unless free-range), citrus fruit, alcohol, coffee, tea and all manufactured foods such as canned, packaged, bottled foods and ready-meals, processed meat or fish, chocolate and cocoa products, spices and tap water.

The above list may seem restrictive but you will find your health and well-being dramatically improves just be removing the foods to avoid from your diet.

There are also some exceptions which you are allowed to eat on the stone age diet which do fit in with our modern lives and dietary practices. Live low-fat yoghurt in moderation is a good addition to the diet and some grains which are well tolerated, even by those with a food allergy, are rice and millet.

If alcohol needs to be consumed (perhaps you're at a wedding or celebration) then a small amount of dry white wine or real ale can be taken.

The stone age diet is based on natural, nutritionally rich foods and following the dietary habits it provides will ensure you reap the benefits and achieve a strong, fit and healthy body.

Author Bio
For further advice on natural foods and diets, visit Food Advice and Support
For food allergy treatment, advice and common trigger foods visit the Help for Food Allergy website (www.helpfoodallergy.com).

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Dr. Jason Fung - 'Therapeutic Fasting - Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'

Thursday, December 12, 2019

French Women Don't Get Fat

French Women Don't Get Fat - Book Review

French Women Don't Get Fat - Book Review

By: Nicole Beck

French women seem to enjoy breads, desserts, and wine, but then don't gain the weight. American women, on the other hand, just think about snacking and magically put on ten pounds. In her bestselling book, French Women Don't Get Fat : The Secret of Eating For Pleasure, Mirelle Guiliano reveals the secrets that French women have at staying healthy and trim.

French Women Don't Get Fat begins with the account of the author, Mirelle Guiliano, growing up in France. By a stroke of luck she was sent to America in her teenage years as an exchange student. In America, she was introduced to brownies and cookies - which quickly became favorites. In no time at all, Mirelle put on twenty pounds. When it was time to return home she was a little nervous about what her family and friends would think of the "new" Mirelle. The story of seeing her family for the first time after being away is funny and heart wrenching at the same time. I can't do justice to this story, so I would recommend buying the book and reading it on your own. Later, her mother set up a secret meeting with their family physician, "Dr. Miracle", who helped her to shed the extra pounds, and more importantly, taught her how to live like a French Woman.

This book is not a miracle diet. In fact, French Women Don't Get Fat isn't a "diet" book at all. What it does is suggest ways to help you live a balanced, healthier lifestyle. The first thing the book suggests is to take an inventory of what you eat for a couple of weeks. By looking at your food journal, you should be able to see what your "offenders" are - meaning what foods you are overeating. For example, Mirelle's offenders were sweets. Once you recognize what foods you are eating out of balance, your next step is to identify why you overeat in this category. For example, if your "offender" is bread, you might notice that you are eating a lot of bread when you go to restaurants. You could then decide to only have one slice before your meal comes. The book also discusses changing the way you think. You aren't skimping on the bread because you are depriving yourself something you love, you are merely saving room for other things. The pleasure of most foods is in the first few bites, as French Women Don't Get Fat points out. After that we are just eating on autopilot. If you can avoid eating without thinking, you can avoid eating excess food. French women eat with their heads and do not leave the table feeling stuffed or guilty.

Another secret of the French this book points to is drinking more water. We all know that water is good for us, but how many of us really drink as much as we should? The secret is to add water to your daily routine. Drink a glass of water before you eat your breakfast. Once you have established this as part of your routine, then add another glass before going to bed. French Women Don't Get Fat reminds us that sleeping is a very dehydrating process. When both of these are routine, make it a habit to drink water each time you pass a water fountain. French women drink water all throughout the day.

Once you are drinking more water, you will probably feel healthier than ever. Since water has no calories, no preservatives, and nothing extra added, you might find that you are interested in the ingredients of the other foods you are consuming. Have you ever read the list of ingredients in a frozen dinner? What is all of that stuff? Why are we consuming things we can't even pronounce? Another key to eating like the French is what the author of this book calls "Ritual Preparation." While she lived at home, Mireille's mother prepared almost all of the food that she consumed. None of it was filled with preservatives, and most everything was fresh. French Women Don't Get Fat recommends going to the market several times a week, and selecting the freshest ingredients. By market the book is referring to a farmers market, and not the supermarket. Quality ingredients equal quality food. When you are eating quality, you won't need the quantity to make up for the lack of taste. Also, set the table like you would find at a restaurant - real napkins even. The extra attention to details will help you remember to savor your food. Also, sit down as a family, and turn off the television. Make meal time a ritual.

According to this book, you also need to move like a French woman. We aren't talking about hours of grueling exercise at the gym. What we are talking about is adding more movement to your daily routine. Walk to work, or if you work too far, then get off the train one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work. Or, add in a daily walk before eating breakfast. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when possible. French Women Don't Get Fat advised to not avoid precious steps: think of ways to add in more movement to your daily routine.

This book also includes recipes for foods such as Grilled Spring Lamb Shops, Asparagus Flan, Cauliflower Gratin, Grilled Chicken with Rosemary, Egg Omelet with Mixed Herbs and Ricotta Cheese, among many others. Since the French enjoy bread so much, recipes for Baguettes and Croissants are included too. The book has menu ideas as well.

If you need a good book to inspire you to lose a little weight so that you feel good about yourself, then French Women Don't Get Fat is where you should turn. Because the focus of this book is not about depriving yourself of good things, but about making focused choices to help you accomplish something even better, you will be motivated to change a few of your bad habits into good habits - and therefore live a more fulfilled and slimmer life.

Author Bio
Nicole Beck is a homemaker and loving mother of three. With her free time (which with three is hard to come by), she enjoys reading steamy novels. She buys all her books from the Book Price Comparison website CompareBook.com.

Visit CompareBook.com to read reviews, find similar titles, and search for the lowest possible price for French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure and other great books.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

I Cured My Type 2 Diabetes | This Morning

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Followers Aren't LEADERS?

For groups to flourish, and succeed, there needs to be, both, followers, as well as LEADERS! The reality is, there is no such thing, as a born - leader, and few people, possess the combination of self - discipline, positive, can - do, attitude, and willingness to undertake, professionally designed, effective leadership planning! However, one aspect, often overlooked, is, the need to be able to positively, inspire and motivate others, to get more involved, and committed, and to be ready, and willing to mentor those, who might become the future leaders, of the organization! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why leaders must lead, and not be afraid to escape the self - imposed, restrictions of their comfort zone.
1. Listen; learn; leading; lessons: One must effectively listen, and learn, from every conversation and experience, in order to learn, and better understand, the perceptions, priorities, needs, and motivations, of those, they serve and represent! Leading is about learning, in order to articulate these lessons, to others, in an inspiring, motivating way!
2. Empathy; emphasis: Effective listening, and learning, must bring about, genuine empathy, and knowing, where one's emphasis, is needed, and will do the most good!
3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions; articulate: Great leaders proceed with a positive, can - do, attitude, combined with a well - developed, aptitude, and skill - set! When one pays keen attention, and perceives and conceives of, the finest, action plan, he is capable of taking the finest, appropriate actions! He must be ready, willing, and able, to articulate an inspiring message!
4. Delve deeply; deliver: Go beyond the surface, and your assumptions! One must delve deeply, discover what's needed, and deliver on his promises, instead of merely articulating empty rhetoric!
5. Endurance; excellence; energy/ energize; efforts: Great leaders need the endurance, to strive to pursue the utmost degree of personal excellence! One's personal energy, must be capable of energizing others, and bringing forth, the finest efforts, towards a better future!
6. Relevant; reliable; responsive/ responsible: It's not leading, if it's not relevant! A great leader is reliable, and responsive, to current and future needs, and necessities! One must be willing to assume personal responsibility, to make things better, more relevant and sustainable!
7. Service; solutions; sustainable; stronger: The essence of effective, quality leadership, is superb service! He must seek the most viable solutions, which make the group stronger, and more relevant, and sustainable!
In order to achieve, you must expand the limitations of your comfort zone, and become the leaders, your followers, deserve! Are you up to the task?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10217431

Joe Rogan on Addiction & Wasting Your Life

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

By: Stanislav Karpunin

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Get into a habit of eating exactly 3 Meals a day.

1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.
Breakfast provides at least 30 percent of the total energy and nutrition needed to sustain the human body during the whole day. And therefore it is very important to have a proper breakfast and not to skip it.

2. Have a healthy low-fat lunch snack.
Have a healthy snack in your lunch time, low fat yogurt for example, to keep your energy running.

3. Have your dinner three hours before your bedtime.
Have a Proper dinner three hours before your bedtime; never go to bed on a full stomach.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. 2 liters of water a day would help your body to burn calories more effectively and to get rid of toxins.

Exercising is a KEY.
By exercising, your body gets an advantage of many physiological benefits such as:

  • Weight Control by elevating your metabolism so that you burn more calories daily.
  • The Boost in your energy level
  • Strengthening of your heart and lungs
  • Improvement in your self-image and self-confidence.
So, don't forget to exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

Try to avoid using fats. Try to keep the fat level in your cooking as low as possible.

Make Calcium your friend. Include as much calcium as you can in your daily diet by eating:

  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Soybeans
  • Tofu
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Papaya
And other sources of calcium. Calcium is a crucial element for bone metabolism. Calcium deficiency is very common. The "Average" American diet does not even come close to meeting the normal calcium requirements:

425 mg. a day for Men
450 mg. a day for Women

So, to sum it up:
1. Have exactly 3 meals a day
2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day
4. Avoid fats
5. Make calcium your friend

By following these 5 simple rules, you will be losing weight in no time.

Author Bio
WellnessWorx.net markets quality, weight-management, nutrition and personal health care products created by WellnessPro leading industry experts. Weight-loss can be a pleasure! http://wellnessworx.net WellnessWorx.net

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Low calorie Tikka Masala recipe - Tom Keridge: Lose Weight For Good - BB...

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

It's All Good - But, What Does That Even Mean?

Not long ago, I was on a 10-mile trail run. It wasn't an easy run, as I had run about 2,000 feet of elevation gain in the last five miles and had run about 7-miles total with about 3 to go. I met a hiker near the top of a small rolling hill and as I ran by I simply smiled and said; "It's all good." I guess he wasn't in a good mood, and he replied; "What does that even mean?"
Without even thinking about it, I said; "It means no matter what hardships you have in life, when you are out here in nature, on the trail - it's all good!"
Now mind you, I was cresting the hill and beginning to accelerate past him and then start down the hill. So, I didn't quite hear what he said over my 25% volume iPod 80s rock music, but, I think it was something like; "Whatever?"
"No time to worry about that now," I thought as I was moving fast towards some rocky areas on the trail ahead and being a downhill I had increased my speed. I concentrated on each step, no need to face plant over someone with a bad attitude.
I did wonder later, as I finished my run, what on Earth was bothering that guy. I wondered if what I'd said helped him with a little positive philosophy.
I hoped I hadn't made whatever he was going through seem trivial or made him feel stupid for his negativity.
Maybe he'd recently gone through some rough times, maybe someone in his family had passed away, maybe his whole life had been shattered - maybe he was out walking/hiking/thinking trying to put some space between himself and his problems.
All I know is that when I am out there running on the trails, no matter how many miles, how hard the run is, or what challenges I am dealing with in my life at the time; It's All Good!
Know what I mean?
Lance Winslow is an Online Author, his latest Small Business eBooks are about Motivational Self Help Topics.. Lance Winslow is semi-retired and Founder of the Online Think Tank http://www.WorldThinkTank.net - You may contact Lance Winslow by email for dialogue, discourse, discussion, or debate on interesting topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10216189

Learn How To Control Your Mind (USE This To BrainWash Yourself)

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Proper Attitude Can Bring Success!

A Proper Mindset Can Bring Success!
Success begins with attitude. Various attitudes provide different end results. A weak state of mind results in adverse outcomes. A favorable state of mind causes success. While your experience, education, learning, and abilities can matter a great deal, your frame of mind can make all the distinction.
Thankfully, any individual can establish an attitude for success. It's absolutely less complicated and doesn't take as long as grasping a complicated technique!
Produce a way of thinking that develops success! Consider these parts in your attitude:
  1. Thankfulness, aka gratitude. Be happy with what you have. Enjoy the success of others. If you cannot rejoice for others when they succeed, your very own success will undoubtedly be restricted.
  2. Assessment of danger is an incentive. Competent individuals are masters at reviewing risk as well as benefit. Not so successful individuals either refuse to assess any kind of hazards or handle ways to mitigate the threat for the prospective incentive. Neither is an effective method to move towards a positive, successful life.
  3. Concentrate on psychological, [and also] physical health and wellness. Compromising your health and wellness for success isn't a real success. What do you truly obtain if you accomplish your objectives yet compromise your physical or psychological health and wellness at the same time? Know the risks before going after success.
  4. Wealth. How much you are worth is not a viable goal in a 'success' mindset. Just look around at people with plenty of money and lots of things, and you'll find most of them worry about losing it, acquiring it, how to hoard it and get more. Wealth is about nurturing contentment in relationships while doing the greater good. It's not taking, it's giving!
  5. Embrace your failings! Actually, that's the momentum test of life. Failing is ensured to take place; count on it. Gain and be nurtured in your errors, mistakes, and blunders. Treat them as opportunities for yourself and others around you. Whatever you do, don't play the blame game. If you do that, you've just lost the momentum test in this situation. In weakness, you become stronger.
  6. Development. A successful mindset is a healthy appreciation for self-learning; being teachable is a great way to pick up new skills. You cannot attain new ideas without expanding on an old thought in a unique situation. It could come from your abilities, perspective, self-control, or guts that sees that opportunity to develop. If you are presently stuck in a rut, relish it and feel confident; you are feeling the teachable growing pains zone.
  7. Determine to be uneasy. Being in a comfort zone is definitely not your friend. Development isn't pleasurable. There will undoubtedly be some pain as you create your own paths, fall short, as well as making errors. Also, success can be unpleasant. Exactly how uneasy are you going to be to come to be effective? The fear of being uneasy is the restricting success aspect for the majority of people.
  8. A favorable perspective. I call this a positive mental attitude, but before you can acquire that, you need to be relaxed and smart. So, how you approach the tasks of your day and the mundane things determines your success. If you're grumpy, bored, and aggravated, well, your day is going to be miserable. The other choice is to look at your day as a grand adventure. Each task and its function becomes a nugget of opportunity to be polished and nourished, providing an unimaginable wealth of greater good.
  9. Preparation. Success for every individual is a specific objective. You're not likely to strike it on the first go-around or for that matter, several go-arounds. Without a particular plan in mind, preparation, and continually tweaking as you're arriving, you are counting way too much on good luck to sensibly anticipate success.
  10. Be your own coach. The prevailing thought is to hire an advisor that has actually accomplished the success you want. There lies the rub. You have a unique idea; it can't be fitted into someone else's application. I cannot imagine the tech founders of the computer era having a coach; I think the computer would have been delayed by decades. Frankly, virtue is in the eye of the beholder. Embrace the challenge, be skillful, decisive, and don't stop nurturing forward.
Consider your existing attitude contrasted to the present outcomes you're experiencing in your life. Can you see an endless loop, or do you see a seamless link?
If you really feel that you have the abilities to be effective, yet still lose, it could be time to have a look at your state of mind. Each individual has a choice in their way of thinking. There are no conditions for having a pleasant state of consciousness; you can simply choose. Put your faith in yourself by choosing to be successful!
Do you want to curiously and bravely face the unknown? We invite you to take the first step by taking a challenge "Can You be Kind to Yourself on a Rough Day?" Just click the link: Having a Rough Day?, and be on your way to being kinder to yourself!
To find out about CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM & LOLLIPOPS, visit our website at LATHAM MEDIA SERVICES. Or, email me Tim Latham: tlatham@lathammediaservices.com.
God bless you and your family.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10205659

How To Avoid Embarrassing Yourself In An Argument - Jordan Peterson

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Counter Self-Criticism, Increase Your Energy, and Live With Joy

Finding time to live each moment to its fullest is right at the core of heart-based time management. How wonderfully full of possibilities life looks, feels, and actually is when we are present and open, and have full access to our energy, heart, intelligence, and creativity!
Consider how different a moment feels when self-critical thoughts are nibbling away at your confidence. You know what I am talking about. It's terribly distracting and debilitating, sapping your drive and your focus. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, because you simply can't perform at your best when you're basically acting as your own worst enemy!
This is a point that I want to emphasize, because it's not merely a subjective experience of your time that I'm talking about. Yes, life looks and feels different when you are present and open... and it really is different. That's because the energy that you bring to each moment truly affects what you encounter, what you choose... and what happens next.
That negative, critical voice that we all carry around drains the color and life out of the moment, and distorts reality as surely as a wavy mirror at a carnival will. Silencing the critical voice, and connecting with your heart is like suddenly coming to see clearly again. The world looks different, you are able to greet it from your powerful core, and that changes everything!
So how can you recognize and counter these critical voices? The first and most important step is to accept that they are there - we all have them. Quite often they originate in messages you received in your early years and then adapted as you grew. By now they are probably so familiar and ingrained that you hardly even notice them. Most likely you are giving yourself these messages almost constantly.
It's a very energy-intensive process. Not only do you whisper self-criticism as you go about your day, but you also react to it. Maybe you fend it off rebelliously, feeling defensive and chronically angry. Or maybe you feel discouraged and victimized. I would bet that, just below the surface, you are experiencing a wide range of emotions in response to the messages of your droning inner critic.
A vicious cycle, indeed - and the good news is that at any point you can step in and make a change that will affect the whole process! When you recognize a self-critical message and counter it with reality, you are breaking the cycle. If you realize that you are discouraged because you are reacting to your own inner critic, give yourself a validation instead, and experience how your energy shifts!
Realizing that your inner critic's messages aren't reality based and that you can intercept and change them is a very, very powerful tool in the heart-based time management toolbox.
Ask yourself these questions to reclaim your energy and joy, and live your moments ans fully as you can:
  • What kinds of critical messages have taken root in you?
  • How do they chatter in the background of your life?
  • How do they drain you and muddle your time choices?
  • What happens when you counter them with reason and compassion?
You'll find expert guidance quickly with our free Finding Time Success Kit, so check out our video at https://thetimefinder.com/ and then sign up for your Kit!
You'll receive our Finding Time Boundary Template, our popular Weekly Tips, and our monthly, award-winning E-zine -- all free and all right to your in-box!
For even more time tips, tools and techniques, visit our blog at https://thetimefinder.com/blog/
Offered by Paula Eder, Ph.D. The Time Finder Expert

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10192645

Mark Manson: Here’s How to Stop Caring About Things That Don’t Matter

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Top Ten Ways to Take the Fear Out of Public Speaking

Many college students fear public speaking more than falling into a pit of snakes, being attacked by an alligator or swimming with sharks. I had a frustrated student stop by my office one morning. He was majoring in engineering and had been pursuing his degree for over 6 years. He shared a story of attempting to take the public speaking course several times and becoming overwhelmed with the fear of giving a speech in front of a student audience. He decided that the course I was teaching was his last chance. After experiencing several failures, he made the decision to give up his engineering career if he did not pass my speech class. I told him that success in my course was possible. I also informed him that you can't eliminate some anxiety that goes with giving a speech. I further explained that there are several ways to manage public speaking anxiety.
There are many ways to manage the fear of presenting a speech. Here's my Top 10 list of suggestions:
1. Try power posing. Prior to your presentation, find a private location and stand with a powerful posture. For example, think of the pose used by Wonder Woman or Superman. The power posing researchers indicate that standing for a few minutes with a powerful posture will leave you more confident when it comes time to speak.
2. Take a few minutes to locate the room where you are speaking, check out the lighting and the technology. Fear of the unknown increases anxiety. I remember attending a convention in a large Detroit hotel. In the evening I visited the room where I was presenting the next day. I also saw other presenters checking out their presentation rooms. I was more comfortable the next day because I was familiar with the room environment and technology.
3. Get some exercise. Medical research demonstrates the value of daily exercise in reducing anxiety. On the day of your presentation, take a brisk walk or do some exercises to help you relax. But don't overdo it. You don't want to appear to your audience like you just finished a marathon.
4. Avoid caffeine. Energy drinks, coffee and too much dark chocolate for some speakers will increase their anxiety. Nervous gestures, voice and problems with your outline can be the result of too much caffeine in you diet.
5. Take a few deep breaths. Taking deep breaths will lower your pulse rate. Taking a few deep breaks before presenting will help you to relax.
6. Keep breathing. Emergency specialist say that many victims of a trauma stop their regular breathing habits. They often instruct the victim to focus on their breathing and move back to a regular breathing pattern. If your speech is a traumatic experience for you, then its important to think about your breathing patterns.
7. Pause for a minute. Professional speakers use this technique. It's okay to pause for a minute or two before beginning your speech. It's a great way to get your mind focused on the speech outline and away from your anxious feelings.
8. Use positive affirmations. Our minds work like a stage. You can't hold positive and negative thoughts on the stage of your mind at the same time. The negative thoughts will push the positive ones off the stage. Think positive thoughts. Imagine your audience giving you a standing ovation at the end of your presentation.
9. View nurturing pictures. Recent research indicates that viewing nurturing, caring, positive pictures will increase your confidence and reduce anxiety. Locate a picture of a family member or friend, or your pet dog or cat. Focus a couple of minutes on the pictures and watch your speech anxiety melt away.
10. Practice, Practice, Practice and then practice some more. Practicing is the best way to manage your anxiety. Professional speakers rehearse their speeches 10-12 times.
Public speaking anxiety is a way of life for many presenters. Learn to channel the anxiety into energy in your presentation. The next time you are feeling speech anxiety, think about the many ways that you can use to manage that anxiety and present a great speech.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10205101

"Every Billionaire Uses It!"

Friday, December 6, 2019

Maximize Your Time: 10 Tips for Extreme Productivity

1) Know your work style and use the tools and systems that match. If you work well with technology, use your computer, phone, and apps for your scheduling and organization. If you are a visual person, consider using a paper calendar and a written to-do list. If you are a people person, develop a team around you to complement your strengths. If you work alone, find time to focus and remain distraction-free. If you are a morning person, attack the most important tasks early in the day.
2) Use ONE calendar. Sometimes people will have several calendars: one for family, one for work, one for personal appointments. Keep ONE calendar for everything. Use different colors or type styles to differentiate categories. Personally, I am very visual and remember things better when I write them down, therefore I have a paper calendar for my appointments, but due to the need for dynamic communication I have a Google calendar to support my scheduling, which might appear like two calendars, however, this calendar is a mirror of the paper one and has everything on it. While it is extra work to have both, it is one calendar (paper or digital) with all the information.
3) Make a to-do list at the end of each day. Your mind naturally begins to work on the list as you sleep. When you awake, you are ready to work, are very productive and organized. Estimate how much time each task will take you and only put on your next day to-do list what is reasonable to get done.
4) "Eat your frog first." A Brian Tracy concept*: Do the hardest thing you have to do all day first before you do anything else. Doing this will provide you with the feeling of success in having a "burden" off your back and the momentum to accomplish the remaining tasks.
5) Have a clear goal; write it down and read it daily. When you have a goal you know what to focus on and work toward. If you do not have this at the front of your mind, it is easy to get caught up with the urgent things of the day or trapped in reacting to e-mail, phone calls, interruptions, and other people's emergencies.
6) Have a "power hour." Designate one hour each day to close the door, shut down e-mail, turn off the ringer on the phone and guard yourself from interruptions. Have a pre-picked project that you will work on during this time only. Make sure to go to the bathroom, get a drink, and do whatever else you need to in order to ensure you do not leave once this hour starts. Give yourself 30 minutes after this hour to return calls, e-mails, and care for people with whom you need to follow up that you missed during the POWER HOUR.
7) Touch it once. This means e-mail, mail, papers, etc. Touch it and make a decision. File it, toss it, or put it in a place for action. Sorting bins are helpful for this. Sorting bins often have labels like: read, file, do this week, urgent, bills, etc. Also, if your subject lines in e-mails are accurate, it is easy for both you and the recipient to find the e-mail. Paper, soft copy (computer), and e-mail folders should have matching labels.
8) Have daily habits. After you develop a routine of things that are simple but important, your body will naturally do them. This is important because we can get distracted by our regular routines and use them as vices to interrupt, procrastinate, and prolong important things that really need to get done. If you start your day right, you will be ready to do those urgent and important tasks, increasing your everyday productivity.
9) Pre-prep. Have you ever been amazed on cooking shows how they make a complicated dish in 10 minutes? OK, part is edited TV time, but they also have everything pre-prepped for quick assembly. Why not do the same? Prepare your information packets and new client folders, turn common documents into a template, set up e-mail group/ distribution lists for teams, etc.
10) Maximize car systems. Listen to a book on audio to maximize your windshield time and learn. Have a bin to put important things in, rather than having them all over the car. Have a trash bag to catch the liter. Always have a bottle of water in the car with you; dehydration causes fatigue, memory loss, and low concentration. Make sure your contacts are portable (e.g, phone, planner, business card file book) so you can keep people and numbers at your fingertips (so that you can call if you're running late, caught in traffic, etc.). Enjoy relaxing, breathing, and taking in the day while driving (rather than cleaning, talking on the phone, etc.)
When you implement a few simple productivity strategies and develop them as time-saving habits, you will quickly enjoy the benefit of more time and energy and overall increased productivity.
*Tracy, Brian. Eat that Frog! 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2001

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10207276

Tony Robbins 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom with Lewis Howes

Thursday, December 5, 2019

You Are More Than Your Circumstances

If someone has had a certain challenge for a long time, they can believe that there is nothing that they can do. Therefore, due to how long something has been in their life, it can be seen as something that is permanent.
As a result of this, they are just going to have to tolerate what is taking place. It is then not going to be a surprise if they feel totally helpless and this ends up having an impact on other areas of their life.
No Better Off
What could make matters worse is that there could be people in their life that are also struggling with the same challenge. This could be seen as more evidence that what they are going through is not something that can be overcome.
It might not stop there, though, as they could live in a society that is full of people that have the same challenge. In fact, it could seem as though everyone has the same challenge as they do.
Breaking Free
If they do end up engaging in black and white thinking, it will be essential for them to snap out of this. Ultimately, there are likely to be people out there that have overcome what they are going through, as well as those that have never had this challenge.
Changing their outlook will be an important part of what will allow them to break out of the prison that their mind has created. Part of this will be for them to think about the fact that they are more than the challenge that they have.
Planting a Seed
This will probably be something that their mind dismisses; nonetheless, it is something that they can meditate on. No matter how convincing their thoughts are or how powerful their 'negative' feelings are, one is more powerful than their circumstances.
So by continually bringing their attention back to this view, they will start to undermine the power that their minds programmed responses have over them. What needs to be remembered here is that if one has seen themselves as being powerless for a very long time, it can take a while for them to change how they see themselves.
The Next Step
Along with what they are doing to change their inner world, it will be a good idea for them to reach out for external support. There are going to be people out there that can help them to overcome what they are going through.
One might not find someone like this straight away but if they keep going, they will surely find someone. If the help that they need doesn't come from a person directly, it could come from a video or a book, for instance.
Final Thoughts
Another part of this will be for one to trust that they will find the answer/s that they need to move forward. One will then be playing their part and they will trust that existence will play its part.
It might seem as though they are separate from everything and that they have to do everything by themselves, yet this is also an illusion. Having trust in existence and the understanding that they are not separate from anything, can allow them to let go of some of the attachment that they have to moving forward and ironically, this can allow them to move forward a lot faster.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
Feel free to join the Facebook Group -

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10216795

One Life, No Regrets

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Personal Development Who Needs It?

Personal Development and Why You Need It.
Why do you need personal development you ask; well the answer is rather simple. If you do not develop continually you are going backwards by going nowhere at all. Life will continue to evolve shift, expand and contract and if you stop being able to develop new skills and talents; then you will get left in the dust. You have so many undiscovered talents and skills in you it is almost funny but the sad truth is many people take their gifts and talents to the grave with them. Many people never afford the world the opportunity to experience the uniqueness of their character that only they can offer. So do not cheat the world of your presence and ideas make personal development a weekly task and find out what you are truly capable of.
Personal Development
Personal development is the key to becoming the best you that you can be. No one on earth is at a point in life where all of the skills and talents they have are all firing on the same cylinder. We all have room to grow and mature no one is beyond personal development. The human species is one of the most complex and marvelous creatures aside from our seemingly insatiable appetite for war and violence of course, we are pretty creative as well as resilient. However, we all need to continually train our minds and bodies to be better. When you stop seeking some form of development you will plateau out and will eventually succumb to complacency and procrastination. Arriving at a level of extreme complacency will lead to being unfulfilled and eventually psychologically and possibly social digression. You must keep moving or else your passion for life will die and take you with it. A passionate pursuit for personal development is the only way to avoid this tragedy.
Remember that personal development consists of not only being conscience of your physical health but your mental health as well. Pursuing mental and physical wholeness requires that one word that the lazy shun like the plague and the dedicated hold dear "commitment". While serving in the Marine Corps the word commitment was engraved into our mines religiously. This brutal yet effective method of indoctrination caused me to develop good internal habits that I still carry with me to this day. While pursuing various aspects of personal development; you must accept that training yourself to be a student of personal development comes at a price.
Skill Development
Everyone has a certain set of skills they have acquired over many years of working however, like anything you have learned how to do; those skills can continually be fine-tuned. I was reading a book a while back called the millionaire mind and it discussed how successful people do not simply rely on innate talent but they lean heavily on their ability to sharpen those talents and skills to remain successful. Being a good business owner is one thing but being a great one requires effort and discipline. Furthermore, developing your skill sets will not only make you a better asset to your occupational field but it will also add a since of fulfillment knowing that you are making a deliberate attempt to become the best you possible.
Personal Development and Success
You will be hard pressed to find one individual that is classified as successful that has not made learning and development a vital part of their lives. Let me add that being able to go to a great learning institution and attain a degree is a very fundamental aspect of personal development. Personal improvement requires you to dive into your psychological patterns, your habits, relational issues, spending practices and a plethora of other things looking for the perfect balance in each. If you have time, check out a book called "THE COMPLETE 101 COLLECTION "by John C. Maxwell it's a great tool. It expounds on the multiple aspects of personal development and how it directly correlates with a leader's effectiveness. I use it daily and will actually be putting together a life overhaul program based on some of his key discoveries and viewpoints on leadership and development.
Being the best you can be requires you to train yourself to push beyond excuses and setbacks and find the fortitude to become the excellent version of yourself you may have been longing to become. So stop running from personal development you may be.. no let me rephrase that you are indeed running from your destiny to be great.
If this article helped or encouraged you in any way shape or form come over and visit me on [http://www.davidhsolomon.com] and take advantage of many other " FREE" motivational and inspiring materials I have to offer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8165541

The 5 LESSONS In Life People Learn TOO LATE